Monday, June 14, 2010

Over a year later with computer crashes I've finally managed to access Christopher's blog again!

Christopher is now 18 and that has brought a lot of changes. One of them being he's finally reached puberty and has had a growth spurt. He's possibly taller than me now and his feet have grown. In the past his shoes wore out..... he didn't grow out of them! Since the New Year he has also had AFOs in a hope to correct his feet that have been getting worse , especially since his growth spurt.We have been asking for them for years but only succeeded late last year. The reason for the refusal before was it was not felt Christopher would walk in them but he stood up and walked with no problems as soon as they were put on! We have had a lot of teething problems but the physiotherapist is very pleased with them!

1 comment:

  1. I love the post--and I can't believe that Christopher is 18! I will really enjoy getting blog updates about Christopher--I also need to write more in Victor's blog. I hope so much Victor and Christopher can meet each other some day!
